Water tank donation to school

Support 27 households with water storage tanks of 1,500 liters each to harvest rain water in Marsabit (Saku Sub - County)

The residents of Marsabit town relies on Marsabit Water Supply which is limited due to unreliable source and the ever increasing demand due to rising population. No traditional sources exist and hence everybody depends on Marsabit Urban Water Supply which is the only public piped water supply system. The source of the public water system is Bakuli spring whose discharge is not constant and is on the decline due to human activity in the Catchment. During drought, the flow reduces by over 80%. In order to find alternative source for most vulnerable families, Nawiri Child Development Programme supported 27 caregivers (9M, 28F) of 0-5 years with 27 water tanks of 1500 liters each to assist them in harvesting rain water for domestic uses. The installation of water tanks to harvest rain water will resolve to bigger extent perennial water shortage in the area reducing the distance walked each day looking for water.

Marsabit Conflict Intervention (340 PLWs supported through assorted food supply)

Nawiri Child Development Programme, with support from ChildFund Kenya distributed 100 bags of Maize @50 kg, 50 bags of Beans@ 50 kg, 200 Pcs of fortified cooking oil @ 1 litre, 200 Pcs of PVC Jericans and 3,000 of water guards @ 150ml for 200 PLWs as an emergency intervention measure as a result of conflicts among pastoralist communities (Rendille, Borana, and Gabra) where the programme operates have been an enduring phenomenon underpinning their relations owing to the socio-economic, political and environmental contexts they find themselves in.
Additionally, the organization also supported 140 PLWs with assorted bags of dry ration (35 bags of 50kgs beans, 70 bags of 50 kgs maize, and 24 cartons of fortified cooking oil to 140 households from Sagante/Jaldesa Ward in Marsabit County. Politically and economically, people living in the periphery of these areas have over the years expressed their dissatisfaction with exclusionary county policies that have failed to capture their aspirations to the extent they feel marginalized in many ways.

Marsabit conflict emergency intervention supported (Trainings)

Through emergency support from ChildFund on Marsabit Conflicts, Nawiri Child Development Program that operates in Marsabit County in October 2020 supported joint peace meeting comprising of opinion leaders and chiefs from the hot spot location alongside child protection champions ( the training benefited 8 Ladies and 12 Men) . A special County Steering Group (CSG) of 30 people (23 Men and 7 Ladies) was also supported to bring into play all peace building stakeholders to evaluate on the progress made to enhance resilience.

21 CRPs trained on DRR, climate change and covid prevention in Marsabit County.

21 (8 Female and 13 Men) Community Resource Persons were trained on disaster Risk Reduction. The main objective is to strengthen the capacities of Participants to mainstream the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management concepts, principles and practices in planning and implementation of community development efforts. Although floods, droughts, and other natural hazards cannot be prevented, their impact on communities can be limited through disaster risk reduction (DRR) practices. Early warning system leveraging on technology and indigenous practices to inform community action.

Desert Locust Invasion intervention

In collaboration with ChildFund Kenya and support of ChildFund Korea, Nawiri Child Development Programme geared up its humanitarian response to reach vulnerable families affected by Locust Invasion in  Marsabit and Isiolo counties, aiming to support households in their recovery, improve food security levels, and ensure access to basic household needs, through  distribution of 320 Kgs of maize seeds, 320 Kgs of Sorghum, 160 Kgs of beans benefiting (250 Female

 and 70 Male) farmers and 500 pieces of hay bales targeting 100 (30 Female and 70 Male) Pastoralists mostly affected by the locust invasion in Isiolo & Marsabit County.