Youth have access to youth-friendly, confidential and accessible reproductive health services

Enhancing youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services is paramount in ensuring the well-being and empowerment of young people. These initiatives are designed to provide a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space where adolescents and young adults can access accurate information, counseling, and healthcare related to their sexual and reproductive needs.

In such youth-friendly environments, Nawiri CDP providers are trained to communicate effectively with young clients, addressing their concerns and questions sensitively. They organize training seminars for the youth to obtain information on contraception, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment, prenatal and postnatal care, and information on healthy relationships and consent.

Youth facilitated to acquire knowledge on Sexual & reproductive health rights

the organization during the FY ending has managed to train 95 youths (61 F, 34 M) on behavior change and Reproductive health. RH among the youth may be defined as teenager’s sexual growth and development and Maturation. Societies and cultures especially adults, have difficulty in accepting teenagers sexual development as natural and positive part of growth and development and maturation that needs to be guided and nurtured for positive growth. The trainings were carried out in Isiolo, Archers and in Maikona site respectively. The training was aimed at building self esteem amongst the youth on decision making as far as sexual issues are concerned. As a result, needs of teenagers are not considered when putting in place health service provision facilities that are youth friendly. The training was facilitated by the Ministry of Health supported by Programme Staff.

In addition, 27 caregivers (2 M & 25 F) were also trained on HIV/AIDS and Drug abuse. This was aimed at building skills of community health volunteers and other CORPS in the community to carry out community dialogue meetings on issues affecting whole being of children and their families.

On the same note, Health clubs and their patrons were also supported to conduct Health clubs campaigns in Lorubae primary school of Archers site, Samburu County. 4 schools participated in the activity targeting a total of 75 children (39 M & 36F) and 8 patrons (4 M & 4F) respectively.

Youths supported to acquire livelihoods skills

The organization supported 34 (14 male and 20 female) youths trained on life skills related to personal development and employment preparation skills which positively influence confidence and job outcomes. The training took 3 days session in Marsabit site to cover issues of decision making, problem solving, communications, conflict resolutions and other complimentary psycho-social support for the youths who were 15-24 years in the program

By prioritizing youth-friendly services, Nawiri CDP enables young people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health, reducing the risk of unintended pregnancies, STIs, and unsafe abortions. Moreover, these programmes contribute to the broader goals of gender equality and reproductive rights, fostering a generation of empowered and healthy young individuals who can make responsible decisions about their bodies and futures.